Terms of Service

Welcome to use the "urlcc.cc" URL shortening service (the full text is referred to as this site). In order to allow you to use the services and information of this site with peace of mind, when you use the urlcc.cc URL shortening service, it means that you have read, Understand and agree to accept all the content on this page, and fully accept the existing and future derivative service items and content of this service. If you do not understand or agree, please do not use it. We hereby explain to you the privacy protection policy of this website to protect your rights, please read the following:
  • This site reserves the right to delete short URLs generated by users.
  • User-generated short URLs are solely responsible.
  • This site will not actively delete the URL, but once it receives a warning from Google Search or a report from the customer service mailbox, it will be deleted as soon as it is confirmed as a social engineering or violence-related link.
  • This site does not make any guarantee for the content of the short URL, please judge the correctness and legality by yourself.
  • The resources of this site are provided, uploaded and published by the users themselves. This website will not be liable for any damages (including but not limited to computer viruses, system failures, data loss), defamation, infringement of copyright or intellectual property rights, including but not limited to profits, goodwill, arising from the use of or linking to this website. , loss of use, data or other intangible losses, this website does not assume any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages.
  • If users notice a problem with the content, please contact us. We reserve the right to judge and remove without prior notice
  • This site does not guarantee that it will be maintained throughout the year, all day long, and there will be temporary maintenance of website performance optimization.
  • Important statement: This website is a public and free service. The main services are shortening URLs, thumbnails, and thumbnails. All services on this site are not responsible for any legal responsibility. Users are requested to be responsible. If you need to delete the link, please contact the management [email protected]
  • All content and comments in the message only represent the personal opinion of the commenter, not the position of this website. Users should not rely on the content and should judge the authenticity of the content by themselves.


Other free Url Shortener.

